Hi! I’m Andrea Schmidt, creator of the Ta-Da! Book Design + Launch Process that helps coaches and other professionals get their nonfiction manuscript designed and launched.
Hi! I’m Andrea
One day I was at the beach when I got an unexpected voice message from one of my book design clients.
He needed (urgently) to tell me how EXCITED he was when he saw his book cover mockups for the first time!
Of course, this totally made my day. His amazement was tied to how closely I had managed to capture–and exceed–his vision, creating a book cover for his book (which looks like a best seller!).
I am telling you this story for 2 reasons:
1) Creating this moment for YOU is my gift. This is the moment I live for. Executive coach and author Gay Hendricks would call this my “zone of genius.” If there’s one thing I can promise you: I will make sure your book look like it belongs on any bookshelf.
2) My client’s excitement was about more than the way the cover looked! Seeing your book professionally designed is validating and encouraging of all your amazing hard work. If there’s something else I can promise you, is that working with me (even for self-publishing!) is calming and soothing.
This is what I do, and I’ve spent over 20 years delighting clients with award-winning book and publication design (see portfolio of client successes here!).
A Baker’s Approach to Book Design
You’re writing a book so you can help guide and nourish people– even when you’re not there!
Your manuscript is like dough, needing careful attention and care. The writing process can’t be rushed, and neither can dough. After all, we’re making really good pizza here! Once the dough is properly mixed and fermented, we shape it by hand (the book design process).
Then we bake it (publishing). The “launch” is the eating part, where we share the pizza with all those beautiful readers out there who are going to benefit from and enjoy your book immensely.
And, fun fact: yes, Andrea is a trained bread baker (George Brown College, Toronto), and the photo above was taken at Accademia della Pizza Napoletana in Los Angeles where she was taught (over many espressos) by certified Master Pizzaioli Peppe Miele to make authentic Neapolitan pizza.
Sad truth: if the book shows signs of “amateurism,” people will judge it and probably not want to eat it (I know, OUCH!). What is good book design, anyway?
My mission is to help you bring your wisdom, kindness & compassion into the world, using my book design skills and marketing mind. What you’re doing is already amazing. My job is to help you present & amplify it in a delightful way so it connects with your readers! –Andrea Schmidt
Core values: Creativity, kindness, compassion, clear communication.
Andrea has an Honours degree in English Rhetoric & Professional Writing, two decades in web and publication design, ongoing training in digital marketing & copywriting, the ability to kindly tell you what you need to know, and a passion for helping you achieve your goals.
Based in Ontario Canada, she loves exclamation marks, the public library, disc golf, and baking bread.
Hear more of what my clients have to say HERE!
“Andrea is an absolute joy to work with.
She demonstrates professionalism with a warm, friendly personality.”